Sunday, January 4, 2009

To be or not to be....

I think that is a vague enough title. There isn't usually a plan when I start one of these things unless it is something awesome like tear gas grenades in Halo 3.

For those of you who don't get the joke, you're missing out.

So Sheena and I will be off on our vacation to Miami on Tuesday. I'm so excited, but I can't help but worry about a teeny little detail. The main point to of the trip is to go to the National Championship game. Only problem is that we don't have tickets yet. I'm sure we'll get them, but it's an awful lot of trust to drive 3,000 miles to Miami and not have tickets. That's all I'm saying.

Enough about that, we're going to have fun in Florida. Especially since we're going to Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay. Best roller coasters ever! I've already gone there, so I can't wait for everyone else to experience it.

Since I've run out of things to say, I guess I'll stop typing.

Achievement Unlocked- "Liar" 50GP
"Continue typing after previously stating that you would stop."

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bloggin' on the Phone!

Just so you all know, the iPhone is not the end all be all in blogging. Something about the text doesn't want to work in the blog setup.

Ohh, and about the title, imagine the tune of Livin' on the Edge by Aerosmith with the words Bloggin' on the Phone. Always wanted to do that since I had this phone.

So, i've got a webcomic for everyone. Everyone should go to
I know I'm not the bastion of knowledge of the interwebs but trust me, this shit be funny. That's all for now.

Alex English

Bloggin on the Phone!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ah, how the time flies...

I was originally going to post something about the New Xbox Live Experience and how cool it is or how much of a fanboy I am, but I figured that I would just tell that in one long run-on sentence that just won't seem to be going anywhere at first, but you will all see.


Let us examine something. Microsoft has "fanboys". That statement is pretty monumental when you think about it. After all, it's MICROSOFT! Doesn't everyone hate them because they rule the computing world with a Monopoly like fist? Aren't they the harbingers of the Blue Screen of Death? Not to mention the myriad of issues with the Xbox 360 systems. Microsoft has only had 2 consoles to date. Sony has had 3 and Nintendo has had 5. It is understandable for people to have a deep devotion to one of those companies. They've been around forever and you've probably played/owned multiple consoles/handhelds from each of them. Microsoft comes on the scene in 2001 and by 2008 has a larger install base than Sony? WTF?! I think the fact that Microsoft has fanboys is awesome and shows what those people under Mr. Gates can do with a little bit of drive and need.

Achievement Unlocked- 20 GamerPoints
"The Devil's Greatest Trick"
"Make the world believe you are not Satan and then make the world actually like you"

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Too much time...

They gave us too much time.

That phrase will forever be burned in my brain as the coolest comment from any college football player. This was uttered by Graham Harrell when asked about his amazing minute and 29 second scoring drive to win the Texas Tech/Texas game.

Too much time?

What can you do in a minute and a half? Here is a list of things I could do in a minute and a half:
1. Brush my teeth
2. Drink a glass of chocolate milk
3. Urinate profusely from said chocolate milk
4. Sell a reserve or subscription to a customer
5. Get dressed
6. Get undressed
7. Pet a cat
8. Make a phone call
9. Simple algebra equations
10. Make a list of things I could do in a minute and a half

What do you think about that? Well, I don't see 'Win a completely insane and intense football game in front of millions of viewers'. Maybe that's just me. I'm not Texas Tech and I'm not Graham Harrell. He's going to get lucky tonight. Maybe he'll take longer than a minute and a half.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

After this, I'm done...

So, I was just going about my business, not playing Guitar Hero World Tour and what do you know, I found a corporate tie in that just made me sick (literally).

I don't know how to put the link in a nice "here", so you'll just have to visit this monstrosity:

Basically, they made a meal deal out of Guitar Hero at KFC. That would explain the ads in the game about said restaurant.

Bewildred because of Guitar Hero's lack of excitement, we put back in Rock Band 2 and were delivered a suprise: the audio is actually better on Rock Band. It wasn't a bias, we just put the other game in and immediatly noticed a difference. Now let me say, if you're making a rhythm game, don't you think you should get the sound right?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Kitten Alarm Clock

Having trouble waking up? Sleeping just a little too much these day? Fully rested for your day? If you answered 'yes' to any of those questions, well, partner, we've got a product for you!


Yes friend, you too can have your very own kitten alarm clock! For the modest adoption fee of $25, a kitten alarm will be delivered to you as soon as you pick it up from the animal shelter! Look at those features!

Kitten Alarm Clock comes with:
-Annoying bouncing motions!
-Full surround sound mewing!
-Crazy Cold Nose Action!
-Tiny Claws of Annoyance

Order now and we'll throw in a second kitten alarm clock for the same price! Wow! What a deal!

So, if you're tired of sleeping in and having a restful night, the Kitten Alarm Clock is for you!